The boxes are unpacked and the rooms setup, but somehow the coziness of home is missing, it could be the wildly different light fittings my rental has, (I have no idea why a giant round paper lantern is a good light fitting for a tiny hallway) or the bizarre mulberry vertical blinds in the lounge. Or the fact that my lovely husband has taken half of our bedroom as his study.
Whatever the reason I've decided that I won't be beaten by the random and generally horrifying design choices of my landlord. So all afternoon I've been scouring blogs and websites to help me find ideas and inspiration to help my in my quest.
To be honest its been so fun I think I'm going to really love reclaiming this house from the clutches of its neon green stair rails and dusty ancient pendant lights in the kitchen. So in the spirit of making my mark on this house I thought I'd start with something small and make a string of paper lantern lights. I've seen this idea done many ways but Ava at cut out and keep has really simple and easy to follow instructions.
I just love how calming and bohemian it can instantly make a space. It instantly grabs your attention so that you don't dwell on other, less creative parts of the room.