Monday 14 May 2012

Pyjama Rama!

Today my two little ones had a Bananas in Pyjamas day at playgroup where they got to dress up in their pyjamas and decorate pillowcases, which sounds innocent and adorable so cute.

Until it happens to me.... I'm sure the angels think I'm hilarious.

Today was freezing (well it was to my unaclimatized family anyhow) and we were running late (no surprise there) but it's also shop day so the variety of food is a little low to the ground.

We managed to scrounge enough change for tuckshop for little Miss Diva but I figured I would buy something for playgroup after I dropped hubby and Miss Diva off.

But as I kissed little Miss Diva goodbye I realised to buy food for playgroup I would have to take my pyjama wearing, beanie and mitten clad munchkins into Woolworths.
So taking a deep fortifying breath I herded my two over excited children through the local woolies, mentioning 'how much fun our pyjama party at playgroup will be' numerously and a few octaves louder than normal.
Hoping that my fellow shoppers wouldn't judge me too harshly as a lazy parent who couldn't bother dressing her children before grocery shopping at 9:15am.

But we managed and the kids loved Playgroup, singing Bananas in Pyjamas, twinkle twinkle, and creating beautiful, if not a little abstract, artworks on their pillowcases. And I began to relax

Now for normal people that would be it, they would calmly enjoy their outing then head home with smiles on their faces.

But I'm not normal.

The phone rang, apparantly there is no tuckshop at Miss Diva's school on Tuesdays (a small fact they didn't mention on their tuckshop menu)
Did I mention we didn't have much food at home? So now not only did we have to cut our playgroup short we had to head back to Woolworths.

If I thought this morning was embarassing, running through the shops with pyjama wearing, crazy beanie haired children at 11am, trying to get the food back to school before the end of lunchtime is worse. Then having to take said lunch through the school to give to Miss Diva, well by now I just didn't care.

Now it was just plain funny!

Maybe my goofy grin and laugh as a watched my giggling pyjama babies running after me, hauling up their pants legs so they could keep up labelled me as insane. But maybe I shouldn't worry so much about what others think and besides I'm pretty sure the angels were laughing right along with me.

Saturday 5 May 2012

Things I am thankful for..... cliche I know

So finally I am back online, the dust is settling from our two moves this year, with the two new schools, new playgoups, new roads to learn and culture to adapt to. But I think finally it's beginning to feel like home, and seeing as I am such an Eeyore girl and manage to see the greyness in everything I thought i would list the things I am thankful for... a little cliche I know but hey when you're not born with rose tinted glasses a girls gotta start somewhere. :)

So I'm thankful that kids can adapt so quickly we've really changed their lives alot this year, before we came here, they'd never been on a train or bus, didn't understand the concept of a traffic jam or what a motorway was or that you  probably wouldn't see at least two or three people you knew at the local playground. But now they swipe their go cards like pro's can hail a bus and know when mumma says she's merging onto the motorway they really should zip it.

I'm thankful that so many people have been kind and thoughtful and patient with us as we adjusted to the city and then again to the southside. So many people have dropped by meals, helped unpack the truck or offered to watch my crazy, beautiful munchkins. I'm not sure they knew what they were getting themselves in for but, hey, that just make me more thankful.

And I am thankful that none of my Eeyore predictions of crashing the removalist truck, my kids drawing texta all over the newly carpeted rental in rebellion or my children hating me for moving them from their friends and family have come true. Because really as satisfying as "I told you so" can be I really dont like being right about more drama!