Wednesday 13 April 2011

A little bit of order

So I've really gotten stuck into getting this crazy little family of mine into order and instead of buying another routine chart I thought I would try to change the chore chart we have into a routine chart. I really love trying to find ways of adapting old things into new ones. So I ruled up the new chart on some scrap booking paper and cut down some of the chore magnets and relabelled them. so here's my before and after.

The original Chore Chart

My attempt of new routine chart.
The bottom section is the kids morning routine, once they've done something on the list they move the picture to the bottom row (everything is magnetic) The top section is the kids week so they know what happening each day and little Miss can pack her school bag etc (well I can hope). And on the right is the reward chart. I still  have to finish little Mr chart but hopefully this will stop us looking like we just walked out of  a tornado in the mornings :)

Monday 11 April 2011

My big routine plans

I love the idea of routine charts, I love the idea of being organised and the feeling that I’m somehow managing to cover all my bases with the kids. The library book on Wednesday, the multitude of permission and notice letters that have to go back to school, the show and tell Mondays, The Playgroup days, Bible study days, Sunday school roster, park play days, washing, craft for the younger ones, zumba, … well you get the picture. 
 But somehow it never seems to work in practice. We have a sleep chart and a chore chart but to be honest I really don’t keep them up, the sleep chart was a dismal failure and only managed to show me how much I just give in and let them into my bed. So I am determined to get my butt back into gear and really get this family back into routine. I love my chore chart, it has magnetic pictures for what jobs they need to do and themed ones to tick off what they’ve done each day. So I really want something similar as a routine chart. I found this at and I’m so inspired to give it a go, Although convincing my husband that I really will actually do this one might be a challenge, but I’m determined to be one of those mum’s who actually have time to do more than brush their hair, before I fly out the door.
So wish me luck next time you see me I’ll be calm, collected, manicured and organised. J

Two Peas in a Pod

My two littlest children are two peas in a pod, they are cast from the same mould and inevitably keep me on my toes. They are both active and adventurous little souls and whatever one does the other immediately tries to copy.
Just lately though it seems their antics are getting more and more extreme. The other day I was at my sisters house, Little Mr and littlest Miss wanted to go outside to play (despite my sisters young german shepherd being out there) so I did the the diligent parental checklist, Gates closed? Check. Laundry and shed doors closed? check. Grass short enough, any snakes? check.  So off they went to play, after a bit though something in their little voices changed and an alarm started blinking in my head. So I went to investigate - sure enough they were into trouble, both of them were up the ladder leaning against the house, with my little mr wanting to come down off the roof and littlest miss wanting to go onto it!!!!
 Oh my Gosh my heart nearly went on stress leave!! I had forgotten to check the little alcove of their building and my brother-in-law had been fixing his arial and left the ladder up. So i got my two proud little monkeys down, and suggested they really didn't need to mention it to their father